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Leigh Cheatwood-Harris

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Corresponding Articles: 3

Leigh Cheatwood Harris authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.

A OneNOAA Concept Prototype for Data Viewing

NOAA has historically been a primary provider of environmental information since its inception. This information is available to users in a variety of formats, and variety of spatial and temporal scales. However, until recently, software and networking capabilities have not been available which would provide NOAA with the ability to easily view ...

Leigh Cheatwood-Harris

Forecaster usage patterns of AWIPS D2D and GFESUITE during 2005

The AWIPS two-dimensional data display (D2D) and the Graphical Forecast Editor (GFESuite) are the primary forecasting systems that today's National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters use to display meteorological information and generate gridded forecast fields. In a study last year (Roberts, et. al., 2004), we showed that D2D and GFESuite produc...

Leigh Cheatwood-Harris

Examples of GFESuite and D2D Use in Operations During 2004

In the past few years, the Graphical Forecast Editor (called the GFESuite or GFE) has become the primary tool that operational forecasters at National Weather Service (NW S) forecast offices use to create and edit their gridded forecast fields (LeFebvre et al., 2003). As the GFESuite continues to evolve, new tools and capabilities are offered fo...

Leigh Cheatwood-Harris