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Robert C. Cifelli

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Corresponding Articles: 3

Robert C. Cifelli authored and/or contributed to the following articles/publications.

A Twenty-First-Century California Observing Network for Monitoring Extreme Weather Events

During Northern Hemisphere winters, the West Coast of North America is battered by extratropical storms. The impact of these storms is of paramount concern to California, where aging water supply and flood protection infrastructures are challenged by increased standards for urban flood protection, an unusually variable weather regime, and projec...

Robert C. Cifelli
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA

Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model

Compound flooding, resulting from a combination of riverine and coastal processes, is a complex but important hazard to resolve along urbanized shorelines in the vicinity of river mouths. However, inland flooding models rarely consider oceanographic conditions, and vice versa for coastal flood models. Here, we describe the development of an oper...

Robert C. Cifelli
Institutions Earth System Research Laboratory - ESRL National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA

Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information: Improving Monitoring and Forecasts of Precipitation, Streamflow, and Coastal Flooding in the San Francisco Bay Area

Advanced Quantitative Precipitation Information (AQPI) is a synergistic project that combines observations and models to improve monitoring and forecasts of precipitation, streamflow, and coastal flooding in the San Francisco Bay area. As an experimental system, AQPI leverages more than a decade of research, innovation, and implementation of a s...

Robert C. Cifelli
Institution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA