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The Common Community Physics Package (ccpp) Framework V6


The Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) is a collection of atmospheric physical parameterizations for use in Earth system models and a framework that couples the physics to a host model’s dynamical core. A primary goal for this effort is to facilitate research and development of physical parameterizations and experimentation with physics-dynamics coupling methods, while simultaneously offering capabilities for use in numerical weather prediction (NWP) operations. The CCPP Framework supports configurations ranging from process studies to operational NWP as it enables host models to assemble the parameterizations in flexible suites. Framework capabilities include variability of scheme call order, ability to group parameterizations for calls in different parts of the host model allowing intervening computation or coupling to additional components, options to call some parameterizations more often than others, and automatic variable transformations. The CCPP Framework was developed by the Developmental Testbed Center and is distributed with a single-column model that can be used to test innovations and to conduct hierarchical studies in which physics and dynamics are decoupled. It is also an integral part of the Unified Forecast System, a community-based, coupled, comprehensive Earth modeling system designed to support research and be the source system for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operational NWP applications. Finally, the CCPP Framework is under various stages of adoption by a number of other models in the wider community.

Article / Publication Data
Available Metadata
Early Online Release
October 18, 2022
Fiscal Year
Peer Reviewed
Publication Name
Published On
April 26, 2023
Publisher Name
Print Volume
Submitted On
August 31, 2022


Authors who have authored or contributed to this publication.

  • Dominikus Heinzeller - lead Gsl
    Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
    NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory
  • Ligia R. Bernardet - second Gsl
  • Grant Firl - third Gsl
    Under Contract to NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory
    325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado
  • Man Zhang - fourth Gsl
    Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
    NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory
  • Xia Sun - fifth Gsl
    Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder
    NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory